Title | [Green Campaign] Eye-catching picket design to urge leaders to implement Paris Agreement | 2017-11-13 |
attachment : (사진2) 기후변화협약 _노아의 방주 피켓 (1).jpg attachment : (사진3) 환경재단 최열 이사장과 현지 취재기자 (1).jpg attachment : (사진4) 지구의 온도를 측정하는 거대한 온도계 게릴라 퍼포먼스 (1).jpg Eye-catching picket design to urge leaders to implement Paris Agreement
Date of publication: 11/13 Afternoon Organization: Korea Green Foundation
Title of the news content: Eye-catching picket design to urge leaders to implement Paris Agreement ![]() 1. Noah’s ark photo There was an eye-catching picketing at the Bula Zone on Saturday, 11th November. The big picket shows a Noah’s ark in the bible. A strap below a huge picket has been decorated by ropes. When a person hold the strap, thus, it seems people suspending from the ark. If you see the ark, it says “Paris Agreement” on its body. On the top of the signboard, there are sayings of “Stick to it” and “There”. Particularly, these messages are targeting the countries which withdrew Paris Agreement. Since all the countries are on a same boat called the earth, this picket strongly asserts that we have to overcome today’s environment crisis all together.
2. Thermometer showing the earth’s time in crisis A huge thermometer stands alone in the middle of COP event venue on Saturday, 11th November. It warns people by showing the temperature of the earth. This thermometer tells temperature of the earth with a huge thermometer model on the ground. This thermometer indicates how hot the earth is on the left side and what crisis-time the earth is now on the right side. It is over 9 pm which means the mother earth is in crisis level. This thermometer was a memorable design to alert people’s attention. 3. Venue’s air For COP23, leaders of countries, academia, environmental activists and experts crowd into Bonn, Germany. At the hectic COP event venue, one picket is out of ordinary by emphasizing a message. It was Noah’s ark mentioned above created by Jeski Social Campaign. The picket targets those who withdrew Paris Agreement and urge them to board on Paris Agreement. In addition to this, a huge thermometer was popular as well. Its visual impact delivers a strong message to people that we need to cooperate all together cool down the earth.
4. Previous “STOP CO2” Campaign at COP and other conferences.
5. Description of participants Korea Green Foundation: Since its foundation in 2002, KGF is trying to raise people's awareness on the environmental issue by cultural and educational means. It has been meeting and supporting environmental activists home and abroad and running diverse programs in order to make people to act in their daily lives. ( http://greenfund.org // hanayi@greenfund.org ) Jeski: art director, excellence in social art and public service advertising campaigns. His ad&design studio called ‘Jeski Social Campaign’ have worked with the nongovernmental organizations or government / local state agencies on nationwide issues facing humanity such as environment, poverty, suicide, drugs or violence, actively engaged inside and outside of the country. ( http://www.jeski.world // JESKI@LIVE.COM ) |
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